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Blueprints API

The /blueprints API endpoint

Jeff Schnitzer avatar
Written by Jeff Schnitzer
Updated over a week ago

Retrieves a complete list of all of your blueprints. The result will be encapsulated in an object like this:

{ "data": [ {...first...}, {...second...} ] }

The data will be the same data in the GET single blueprint endpoint below.

Obtain the data for a single blueprint with key BLU123. The response looks like:

"key": "BLU123",
"name": "Unisex Tee",
"venue": {
"key": "VEN456",
"name": "My Etsy Venue",
"platform": "Etsy"
"formula": { ...varies by platform... },
"templates": [
"language": "en",
"title": "{title} Tee",
"description": "{description}\n\nSome Extra Text",
"tags": ["some", "extra", "tags"],
"tokens": {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }

Requests for invalid keys produce 410 GONE (to explicitly distinguish from 404).

The formula is platform-specific data for this blueprint. For example, for Printful blueprints, this field will contain the chosen mockup style (among other fields).

Templates are described in the relevant documentation. Note that not every language will necessarily be present, though you can create templates for any supported language. Unset values will be empty, not null.

Printful only. Get a list of the available mockup styles for this blueprint. The response looks like:

"data": ["Flat", "Lifestyle", "Lifestyle 2"]

Printful only. Save Printful-specific characteristics of a blueprint. The body must be JSON:

"mockupStyle": "One Of The Allowed Styles",
"includeSizeGuideMetric": true,
"includeSizeGuideImperial": false

Returns the updated blueprint data structure, including the updated formula.

Save a complete list of the templates for this blueprint. The body must be a JSON array:

"language": "en",
"title": "{title} Tee",
"description": "{description}\n\nSome Extra Text",
"tags": ["some", "extra", "tags"],
"tokens": {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }
"language": "fr",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"tags": [],
"tokens": {}

The list of supported languages are: en, fr, es, de, it.

To remove a template field, use an empty string/array/object (as in fr in the example).

Returns the updated blueprint data structure, including the updated template(s).

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