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Orders API

The /orders endpoint

Jeff Schnitzer avatar
Written by Jeff Schnitzer
Updated over a week ago

Retrieves a paginated list of your orders. There are two optional query parameters:

  • limit - number of orders to request, max 1000 (the default)

  • cursor - the value of more if you wish to fetch the next page of results

The result looks like this (see "Pagination" in the API Overview):

"data": [ {...first...}, {...second...} ],
"total": 12345,
"more": "cursorstring"

more will be null (you're at the end) or a value you can pass as a cursor to this same endpoint to fetch the next page of results.

The data will be the same data in the GET single order endpoint below.

Obtain the data for a single order with key BLU123. Response looks like:

"key": "ORD4548",
"reference": "myuniqueorder1",
"venue": {
"key": "VEN4421",
"name": "Orbital Commerce",
"platform": "Manual"
"created": "2020-10-17T00:23:23.071Z",
"flag": false,
"link": "",
"note": "",
"quantity": 2,
"cost": {
"cents": 2149,
"amount": 21.49,
"symbol": "$",
"currency": "USD",
"pretty": "$21.49"
"shipping": {
"name": "Bob Dobbs",
"address1": "123 Slack St",
"address2": "",
"city": "Nowhere",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "99999",
"country": "US"
"shippingCost": {
"cents": 449,
"amount": 4.49,
"symbol": "$",
"currency": "USD",
"pretty": "$4.49"
"lineItems": [
"key": "OLI4549",
"title": "Frop More",
"quantity": 2,
"unitCost": {
"cents": 850,
"amount": 8.50,
"symbol": "$",
"currency": "USD",
"pretty": "$8.50"
"totalCost": {
"cents": 1700,
"amount": 17.00,
"symbol": "$",
"currency": "USD",
"pretty": "$17"
"reference": "myuniqueitemid1",
"design": { ...complete design object... },
"side": "FRONT",
"variant": {
"key": "VARTS_BLK_L",
"product": {
"key": "PRDTS",
"name": "Unisex T-Shirt"
"color": {
"key": "CLRTS_BLK",
"name": "Black",
"hex": "#25282a",
"texture": "SOLID", // some are "HEATHER"
"size": "L"
"fulfillments": [
"key": "FUL4550",
"state": "PROCESSING",
"shipped": null,
"delivered": null,
"cancelled": null,
"tracking": null,
"lineItems": [
"key": "ITM4551",
"title": "Frop More",
"quantity": 2,
"design": { ...complete design object... },
"side": "FRONT",
"variant": {
"key": "VARTS_BLK_L",
"product": {
"key": "PRDTS",
"name": "Unisex T-Shirt"
"color": {
"key": "CLRTS_BLK",
"name": "Black",
"hex": "#25282a",
"texture": "SOLID", // some are "HEATHER"
"size": "L"

See the Designs API for the structure of the design object.

Requests for invalid keys produce 410 GONE (to explicitly distinguish from 404).

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