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Venues API

The /venues API endpoint

Jeff Schnitzer avatar
Written by Jeff Schnitzer
Updated over a week ago

Retrieves a complete list of all of your venues. The result will be encapsulated in an object like this:

{ "data": [ {...first...}, {...second...} ] }

Each data object will be the same data as in the GET single venue endpoint below.

Obtain the data for a single venue with key VEN123. Response looks like:

"key": "VEN123",
"name": "My Etsy Venue",
"platform": "Etsy"

Requests for invalid keys produce 410 GONE (to explicitly distinguish from 404).

List the blueprints for a specific venue. The result will be encapsulated in an object like this:

{ "data": [ {...first...}, {...second...} ] }

Each data object will be the same data as in the GET single blueprint endpoint.

Create an order. The venue must be a Manual venue.

The POST body must be JSON:

"reference": "yourprivateid",
"shipping": {
"name": "Bob Dobbs",
"address1": "123 Slack St",
"address2": "",
"city": "Nowhere",
"state": "CA",
"country": "US",
"zip": "99999"
"lineItems": [
"reference": "optionalitemref",
"design": "DES2666",
"variant": "VARTS_BLK_L",
"side": "FRONT",
"quantity": 2
  • reference - the order reference is optional but very strongly recommended. If present, it must be a unique value for this venue. This enforces idempotent order creation (see errors, below). You probably want to use your own database identifier here.

  • shipping - country must be a 2-letter ISO country code

  • lineItems reference - optional. If present, must be unique within an Order

  • lineItems design - must be the key of a design from your Org's library

  • lineItems variant - must be a variant key from the OrbitKit catalog.

  • lineItems side - must be a valid side for the product associated with the specified variant. See the catalog.


If you post an order with a duplicate reference, you will receive 409 CONFLICT. The error body will include the key of the original order:

"message": "An order with the reference 'duplicateid' already exists in this venue",
"type": "ReferenceConflict",
"types": ["ReferenceConflict", "Conflict"],
"order": "ORD4548"


The response will be the full order structure defined in the Orders API.

Create a blueprint in a venue. Currently only works to create blueprints for platforms that link to an external listing (ie, not OrbitKit Fulfillment). If you want to be able to create fulfillment blueprints, reach out to support.

The POST body must be JSON:

"name": "My Blueprint Name",
"externalLink": ""
  • name - arbitrary name for your benefit

  • externalLink - the same URL you would paste into the OrbitKit "create blueprint" dialog


The response will be the full blueprint structure defined in the Blueprints API.

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